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talking art with Nina Takesh

How does art play into your design of a home?

Art is a critical and necessary aspect of any well-designed space. Too often, people neglect their walls and just leave them bare, which is a missed opportunity. 

Sadly, many buy into the misconception that good art has to come with a high price tag, which simply isn’t true. There is good art to be found at every price point, and there’s such a vast array of styles and aesthetics that it’s impossible not to find something meaningful. 

In my opinion, art is just as essential as furniture. It should be an extension of one’s personality all the while bringing life and meaning into one’s home. Art can also convey in one glance what one couldn’t convey in an entire novel.  After all, it’s the artistic details in a space that can make the room sing, and cast a light on one’s personality and style. 

What drew you to Noel Kern's Prada Marfa Day? 

The Prada Marfa art installation has always piqued my curiosity. The juxtaposition of a high-end retail store in the middle of Route 90 outside of Valentine, Texas, says everything. 

When I saw Noel Kern capture its magic so beautifully in his photography, I knew I needed to own a piece of this captured magic.  What also speaks to me about this installation is that the artists constructed the store out of biodegradable materials that eventually will melt into the Texas desert, becoming one with the rugged landscape over time. 

Noel Kern has done an artful job of composing this image, capturing the harsh desert scenery and the illustrious boutique in equal measure.

What vibe were you hoping to get with this piece?

The great thing about good art is that it can stand on its own and make a statement without having to try too hard. 

I love the spaces I design to look impeccable and yet feel effortless in their execution. I think this piece mirrors that design strategy, the faux Prada storefront feels luxurious and immaculate, yet the humble terrain feels grounded and rooted in ease. 

I also believe this piece could evoke different feelings in different viewers, and I hope my designs do the same. 

There is good art to be found at every price point, and there’s such a vast array of styles and aesthetics that it’s impossible not to find something meaningful. 

This or that with Nina

Heels or flats? 


Pop of color or black and white? 

Black and white

 Fresh flowers or live plants? 

Fresh Flowers 

 Pool or beach? 


 More is more or less is more? 

Less is more 

 Morning or night?


 Shake Shack or In-n-out? 


Harry Styles or Tom Holland? 

 Harry Styles

Nina Takesh Curation