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IMG_0436Outside Goyard in Paris. Something tells us Libby Black would love it here!

LittleCollector Founder Chrissy Crawford recently took a magical trip to Paris and sent back the following visual diary!

While the weather was admittedly pretty crummy, Chrissy had a blast exploring the sights and side-streets of Paris, not to mention the art that infuses the City of Lights to the core. From Goyard to Colette, with a Space Invader sighting in between and an incredible exhibition of light sculptures at Galerie Daniel Templon, this is her visual diary.


LittleCollector pieces by FriendsWithYou, Sonni and Larry Moss in Maria Brito's book "Out There" in Colette!


Colette is quite possibly the chicest store on the planet.


A Space Invader sighting. Can you spot him?!


Ivan Navarro show at Galerie Daniel Templon in Paris.


Ivan Navarro show at Galerie Daniel Templon in Paris.

IMG_0451More Space Invader. So sneaky :)

