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What time do you get up? Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I am definitely a morning person. I have a pretty packed daily schedule, so I like to get a early start usually around 6:30 or 7am.  I prefer to get things done at off hours when there are less interruptions such as the morning or on weekends.

If you're a morning coffee drinker - what's your favorite coffee spot in NYC?
Yes. The first thing I do is have a black iced coffee every morning. I do not like the smell of coffee brewing, so every morning I walk to Gramercy Bagels and order a coffee to go. 

Do you have any morning routines or rituals that help start your day?
Nothing out of the ordinary: wake up, have a coffee, listen to music and review my calendar for the day. Read the news online and get dressed.

Do you have a favorite lunch spot or do you bring lunch to your office? What time is lunch?
I usually eat between noon and 1pm and usually bring something light to the office. I love clean green protein shakes from Juice press and the quinoa burger from Bare Burger. On the weekends I usually have lunch at Maialino, Narcissa or the Standard Grill.

What is your afternoon like? Do you mostly meet with clients at their home/business, at your office, or out somewhere else?
My afternoons are never the same. I have a lot of internal meetings in the office, appointments with vendors and artisans at their ateliers and often meet clients at their homes. The majority of my clients are quite private and prefer to have items brought to their spaces to get a sense of how things will look in place. I have a lot of work on the West Coast, in which case the afternoons are spent with the clients in showroom appointments and in their homes.

What is your go-to Spotify playlist while you're working?
I don’t really use Spotify, but I think I should. We have been listening to a lot of Adele, Justin Beiber, Taylor Swift and Lionel Ritchie in the office lately.

When it's time for dinner are you likely to cook, go out or order in? Do you have a favorite local spot where you live?
I order in a lot. I love cooking but strongly dislike cleaning after said cooking :) I am a vegetarian and order dinner from a few regular spots like Buddha Bohdi and Organique when I am on my own. When entertaining I will plate food from local restaurants like Trattoria Il Mulino or Barbounia.

Do you have a favorite television show that you watch in the evening or do you prefer to read a book at night? 
I pick up a new book every time I am at the airport and try to finish it before my next trip. I read mostly on planes and at night in hotels. On leisurely evenings I usually listen to music and go to the gym or order a movie at home if I want to watch TV. My taste in TV shows changes seasonally based on my current interests, but I am generally drawn to ones with beautiful or unique interior settings. American Horror Story: Coven was a favorite for the interiors, but scared me a bit.

Since you're a native New Yorker, what have you seen as the biggest change in the city over the years?
The city is so fluid and constantly changing. It is amazing to see a neighborhood evolve from underdeveloped to up-and-coming to desirable and then to a bit overexposed or commercial. I like watching this from afar and gravitate towards more classic neighborhoods and areas like Gramercy Park proper and upper 5th avenue.

What's your favorite neighborhood in Manhattan and what's your favorite street?
I am biased and love Gramercy Park. I have long strived to live on the park and am excited to have moved this past winter. Walking into the park is a magical experience that almost feels like being transported through time. My favorites are Gramercy Park North and Gramercy Park West.

What is your favorite day-trip from NYC?
Dia Beacon

What is your favorite summer vacation spot?

​What are your top 3 design trends at the moment and what do you think will never go out of style?
This is tricky, I err more on the side of timeless in my selections and prefer not to focus on trends. What works for one person may not work for another.  For me, things that will never go out of style are geometric stone floors and sculptural lighting accents.At what age did you know you wanted to be a designer? 
It seems that I have always been trending in this direction, but didn't know for sure until my first experience working with a design firm at the age of 22. I can tell the typical stories of asking for my bedroom to be redone at certain milestones or birthdays, but I don't think I fully understood my passion for the industry until I experienced it. I love the combination of working intimately with clients, designing a space and learning about new products and artisan techniques. There is a satisfaction that comes with seeing a fully executed project and knowing you're happy, the client is happy and your work honors the client's needs, budget and the space perfectly while still representing your aesthetic.

If you had to choose 3 words to convey your design aesthetic and philosophy, what would they be?
Understated, luxurious and livable.

What are some tips to consider when selecting art for a room​?
References from the room (color) and the aesthetic of the client. I love graphic art, collectible pieces and good investments. They also have to be appropriate for the space…such as the idea of prints in a playroom and more important pieces in public spaces.





