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What time do you get up? Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Anywhere between 3-8AM! I’ve built the best collections from those inspirational, brutally early morning hours.


If you’re a morning coffee drinker - what’s your favorite coffee spot in NYC?

Café Henrie in the Lower East Side.


Do you have any morning routines or rituals that help start your day?

I'm not big on routine. Hello an art consultant’s life.


Do you have a favorite lunch spot when you’re meeting with a client?

Fred’s at Barney’s Chelsea


What is your afternoon like?  Do you mostly meet with clients at their home/business, at your office, or out somewhere else?

I’m often previewing work for clients then recapping the most exciting pieces with them over cocktails.


When it’s time for dinner are you likely to cook, go out or order in? Do you have a favorite local spot where you live?

I love creating dishes. When I see something in season, I snap it up and play around with it. I also consult the The Flavor Thesaurus for flavor profiles. If you don’t have that book, you’re missing out on a fun way to create in the kitchen.


Do you have a favorite television show that you watch in the evening or do you prefer to read a book at night? 

House of Cards


Since you’ve been living in NYC for a while what have you seen as the biggest change in the city over the years?



What’s your favorite neighborhood in Manhattan and what’s your favorite street?

Broome and Grand from Soho to the Lower East Side is full of interesting places to casually shop. Lately, East Broadway is winning some serious attention for food and late night cocktails and films at Metrograph.


What was the last concert or play that you went to? What will you be seeing next?

Dry Powder at the Public Theater. I walked by on a whim the other day, scored a rush ticket to a show I hadn’t heard about and ended up watching Claire Danes, Hank Azaria and Jonathan Krasinski in a play.

What is your favorite day-trip from NYC?

Hudson, New York. Grab a cozy table by the fire at Fish & Game.

What is your favorite summer vacation spot? 

Anywhere far-flung. I love living spontaneously and travel affords the chance to get outside the box.

Do you have a favorite museum in the city?

The Whitney. The big bonus is stopping by Untitled and Santina on ground level. They each have their own vibe but both are delicious.  Clients like the mood of both.

What was the best gallery show you saw in the last 2 months?

I really do see so many excellent shows. The most poignant and haunting recently is Berlinde De Bruyckere at Hauser & Wirth. Her new body of work slams you in the face and tears at your heart.

When you’re working with a novice collector how do you begin the conversation?

Who are you? Why? You ask obvious questions and you get obvious answers.

When you’re working with a seasoned collector how is the conversation different?

We have more of a framework to discuss details (aka which body of work, medium, etc interests them the most). Each established collector has his/her own drive and so I build on that. I do believe my job, however, is to introduce new artists and ideas to the collecting discussion.    

If you had to choose 3 words to describe your ideal client what would they be?

Ready for art. Ready to collect.

What are some tips to consider when selecting art for the home? What are your tips for selecting art for a workplace environment?

If you collect a piece and your friends don’t like it, have the confidence to stand up for it. Take a position. They might learn something about you and a thing or two about themselves. Start a conversation! For the workplace client, it can be more about fulfilling practical requirements. We always present to elevate corporate messaging and internal mood.

Who are some of your favorite artists?

Do you have 6 hours?


How has your taste in art changed over the years?

I’m most happy with art that doesn’t ask and then immediately answer that question.


What are your favorite works on ArtStar at the moment?

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@ lydiakutko
@ artstarupdates