Inspiration & Tastemakers
Artist Spotlight: Kimberly Genevieve
We got the inside scoop on Cali girl, Kimberly Genevieve and the inspiration behind her vibrant photography.
Check out her work here:

AS: Where do you get your inspiration from?
KG: EVERWHERE! I know that's a broad answer, but it's true, there's inspiration everywhere!! If I had to pick one spot, it would be the sunset strip.AS: What's in your camera bag?
KG: Canon 5dmark iii / 50mm 1.2 / 35mm 1.4 / 24mm 1.2 / 2 Instax Polaroid Cameras / Iphone 6 plus
AS: What are the top songs on your playlist right now?
KG: Andrew McMahon - Cecillia And The Satellite & See Her On The Weekend
KG: Andrew McMahon - Cecillia And The Satellite & See Her On The Weekend
Mumford and Sons - The Wolf & Tompkins Square Park
Brandon Flowers - Can't Deny My Love
Metric - The Shade
AS: Where is your favorite place to take photographs?
KG: If I really had to pick one spot, it would be my rooftop... Mostly because of the palm trees and the bright sunshine, I'm into both!
AS: What do you love about the LA art scene compared to other cities?
KG: I grew up in a city where there was little to no art scene. I always felt a bit trapped. In Los Angeles, you're free to express yourself in any way shape or form, and people will accept you for it. It's pretty unbelievable.
KG: I grew up in a city where there was little to no art scene. I always felt a bit trapped. In Los Angeles, you're free to express yourself in any way shape or form, and people will accept you for it. It's pretty unbelievable.
AS: What are you top favorite pieces from ArtStar?
KG: Right now, I am really enjoying works from James Rieck, and Connie Zhou. I love the colors in James's works, and Connie's Blue Lagoon series really makes me want to travel more!