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Doreen Remen is a woman who brings her passion for the arts into everything she does, including raising her kids.

She has dedicated her professional life to making sure art is available and accessible to the community, inspiring both children and adults alike. She founded theArt Production Fund, a non profit dedicated to commissioning and producing art projects of ambitious scale, and her commitment to educating the public about contemporary art has led to some of the most astounding public art exhibitions in New York City. 

Doreen has also been a long time supporter of ArtStar andLittleCollector. We we were fortunate enough to sit down with her and talk about , art, motherhood and how the worlds are irrevocably intertwined. 

LCWe know you have two beautiful twin daughters, do you like to cook together? What is your favorite meal or dish to make?
DR:  While we don't have the time or matching schedules to cook together on a regular basis, we always look forward to the holidays for our family culinary traditions. No matter what the occasion  - Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Rosh Hashana - we never miss an opportunity to bake Sweet Potato Pies and this fried noodle pancake recipe my mother taught me. And of course, we all contribute to big salads, if that's considered cooking! 

LC: If you could meet one celebrity mom, who would it be?

DR: I would love to meet Michelle Obama. She seems to be doing everything right.

LCIn your opinion what is the best part of raising kids in NYC?

DR: The museums!  The galleries!  The theater!  The access to unique cultural experiences!  Plus, I loved living in an apartment with my family, rather than a house.  The close quarters make for real and honest relationships.  There was nowhere to hide, literally!

LC:  What was your favorite cartoon or movie that your twins watched when they were young? (The one that you were secretly pleased to watch)

DR:  It seems to me that my kids grew up so long ago, pop culture has changed so much!  I don't know if this is still popular but they loved watching Sponge Bob Square Pants.  And although it was a little annoying I actually liked it. It was very smart and funny.

LC: What is currently your favorite song to dance to? 

DR: I love dancing, so anything with a beat!

LCWhat was the biggest lesson you learned from your mother? 

DR: How to love.

LC:What are your daughters' favorite pieces from Little Collector?

DR: They love Mickalene Thomas and Yayoi Kusama!

LC: How do you engage your children with public art and specifically with the installations done by the Art Production Fund?

DR: My kids came to every installation for every project I was ever involved in.  When they were four years old, they were running around the Guggenheim museum after hours, while we were preparing for Vanessa Beecroft's SHOW.  They rolled around on Rudolf Stingel's fresh carpeting in Vanderbilt Hall when they were six.  I think this gave them an innate appreciation for the process of art making and the importance and value of every artist's unique voice.  We always discuss a public art project in terms of how it was produced; the process, the difficulties, the motivation.  This leads to a level of awe and inspiration for any artwork out there, which is a good place to start.
The Magic Makers: About the Art Production Fund
APF was founded in 2000 by Doreen Remen and fellow curator Yvonne Force Villareal. The goal of the non-profit is to make difficult to realize projects come to fruition, allowing community access to quality contemporary art while spreading awareness and art education through the exhibitions. APF cares about sustaining an ever evolving art 
culture and provides funding as well as technical and production support to artists who may otherwise be unable to manifest their unique artistic endeavors. From planning the logistics of each project to ensuring completion, Doreen and her team make sure each commissioned project is a success. Though a small organization, APF continues to support the larger-than-life installations.
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Yayoi Kusama Pumpkin Soft Sculpture    
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Mickalene Thomas Portrait de Priscilla la Petite Chienne Deux :)